Sunday, 26 February 2012

Research on Genre - Music Magazine - Cover Page

Now that I have completed my analysis of what codes and conventions make a magazine cover, contents and double page spread. I am now going to look what codes, conventions and other aspects are used to create a successful and effective hip/hop magazine cover, contents and double page spread. I am going to be focusing on the font styles, the colours, the key images and the way that these components have been placed, in order to create an attractive layout. When creating my magazine, these evaluations will be very useful, as I will be able to see what aspects improved the magazines and apply them to my magazine. I am going to be analysing three music cover pages and highlighting what aspects improve them. After completing the analysis, I have a much better understanding of what makes a good hip/hop cover page.

Below is my analysis and evaluations of three music cover pages:

From the research I have completed on the codes and conventions on a hip/hop cover page, there are some key factors that must be incorporated, in order to create a professional, easy to read, effective hip-hop related genre cover page. Some of these key components include, having the models in the key images looking towards the audience and having the key image take up the majority of the page, which are two things I will definitely keep in mind when taking my photos. The model covers a section of the masthead. The font for the masthead, headings and sometimes tag lines, use big bold font, which is iconic to the hip-hop genre.  When creating my hip-hop cover page, these are the codes and conventions that I will apply in order to create an effective, professional and attractive product.

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